Unstoppable Confidence: Sustaining a Posture for Success By L Danyetta Najoli
If you've ever doubted yourself for one second, this book is for you. If you have become cynical about other people's view of you when they tell you good things about yourself, this book is for you. Unstoppable Confidence gets to the core of your uniqueness and helps you gain the confidence and skills needed to sustain your confidence. The book is chock full of useful strategies on how to gain confidence in areas that seem insurmountable. Listeners will find the workbook-style approach helpful to reaching goals with ease.
With an easy workbook format, Unstoppable Confidence will coach you at a pace that works for you. Coach Danyetta uses many of the topics in her book within her coaching sessions. They are proven to give you the results you are looking for in the area of confidence-building.
Whether you work with people and you are in the middle of a changing job description— or you are being asked to assist others to build their community or "tribe" of people who share similar interests, Unstoppable Confidence will assist you in learning new skills to be better in your job!
Unstoppable Confidence can also help you in many other areas of your life. Whether you are in a new relationship, a new parent, or getting ready to begin a new project, Unstoppable Confidence will give you the tools you need. Look for the bonus, Confidence Evaluator, which is designed to give you an assessment on your current level of confidence.
Note about Audible: Use the button below OR, reach out to me directly to request an Audible.com PROMO CODE to access my book for free! I'll happily give the credits out as long as supplies last!

So Can You!
Danyetta overcame living in the inner city in Harlem and childhood trauma and surpassed what people expected from her upbringing. Today, Danyetta helps facilitate learning for her clients who make breakthroughs in their mindsets causing them to act successfully over and over again. And, success is how they define it! Danyetta has created a method that takes into account the belief system and behavior of a person or group. It combines the skill set as well as the mindset which contributes to everyday actions. As a growth mindset and personal foundations coach, Danyetta believes in providing an oasis for busy people to pause, to reflect, and to tune in to their own greatness, fortitude, and resilience so that they can regroup for what's next for them.
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An Experienced Coaching Professional
As a practitioner of coaching since 2000, I’ve been successfully coaching clients throughout the Greater Cincinnati area and facilitating their self-growth. If you are feeling overwhelmed by life’s demands, my services aim to introduce clarity and self-motivation. I also teach techniques to better manage the emotional stress of everyday life.
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Need to Get Organized? Build Your Confidence? Too Busy? Hone Your People Skills? This is For You!
Danyetta's coaching clients love her coaching systems as it is oftentimes one of the keys to a happier and healthier life. Danyetta gives her clients the tools and techniques to achieve a fulfilling lifestyle.
You can select the coaching system that best fits your needs, wants, and lifestyle. After several sessions, you will become equipped at handling issues whenever and wherever they arise.

Predesigned and Customized Topics
Danyetta provides training, speaking, and workshop services to groups and organizations in need of growing their people. Topics are customized to fit the needs of your group, team, or organization. Request your New Client Questionnaire to begin.

“When I dare to be powerful - to use my strength in the service of my vision – then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.”